Uke Waza

Uke Waza translates as receiving technique. Simple basic movement employing the four uke’s soto, uchi, jodan and gedan in zenkutudachi stance forward stance, with two turns, one in right stance the other in left stance. This waza gives the student the basic idea of karate movement. This kata is the building blocks of future kata’s trained in the Shizendo system. All stance’s in karate have their origins in this forward stance, coupled with the upright body posture in executing this small simple waza. The kata is a great starting place to teach basic coordination to students coupled with the turns and power of the hips developing stability whilst revolving executing techniques.

Zenkutsdachi used in Uke Waza used to perform front handed techniques such as Junzuki basic punching, or thrusting technique used to accelerate power with speed and focus to the intended target. The front knee is bent around 60 to 70% on the front leg with 40 to 30% on the rear leg which is slightly stretched. This is the basic way of weight –shifting to make the techniques more powerful and effective. The front foot are pointing forward and the rear foot facing at a forty-five degree angle. The body posture should be relaxed and normal half facing with the head held erect, chin tucked in and eyes looking forward. The rear fist is pulled back and held at the side of the waist with a feeling of stretching back ready to use. The whole body should feel like it can receive impact whilst preforming the kata. Stability in motion is paramount when accelerating the body forward and should finish the move with a snap and focus technique. Uke Waza is classified as a beginner’s form but its principles and concepts are far from basic once developed by a student execution of the form is advance, one of the paradoxes of martial arts meanings.

Uke Waza translates as receiving technique

“The Art is the Flow the Flow being the Art”