Shizendo Karate

Where Standards Come First

About Shizendo

Shizendo Martial arts association have karate and Tai Chi clubs throughout the southeast of England in leading Leisure centre’s or schools most days of the week. These include separate classes for children and adults and are structured accordingly within our traditional belt system. Our Tai Chi courses focuses on the health aspects of the art and our client base reflects our recognition within our community as we work in partnership with the NHS, Adult education and the active retirement association. Our self-defence for school children is also popular and taught in the local schools around north Kent.

Kids Karate

Karate is NOT about violence, it is NOT about fighting, it is NOT about aggression, it is NOT about egos, it is NOT about who is the best. Karate IS about your children’s development through the Martial Art way. This is about personal growth through the experience and understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each child as they progress from the early years to adult hood. We teach, through the Martial Arts code, good manners, respect and the value of right and wrong. We teach your child how to coordinate their bodies and develop their body control skills, which in turn builds confidence.

Adults Karate

The style of Karate taught is Wado Ryu, which is a blend of Japanese JuJitsu and Okinawan Gojo-Ryu traditions coupled with a strong Chinese (Quan Fa) influence. Translated Karate means “Empty Hand” and Wa-Do as “Way of peace and harmony”, Ryu as “School”, Quan Fa as “Kempo” Japanese name of China’s fist method. Shizendo is a soft style Juken coupled with fast explosive strikes; it uses soft to overcome the hard, to harmonise with the opponent rather than meet head on. The practitioner of this art utilizes subtle techniques; it’s therefore a flowing art of non-resistance and developing strategic skills in long and close quarter fighting.


Shizendo Karate has classes throughout the week except Sunday, although we do run courses on this day for advance training, weapons training and gradings. Please select the venue and day and contact me on 07999346050 to arrange for your first free training session. We can then assess you and then give you some feedback. You will also have a chance to ask questions and gain a feel for how the training sessions are structured. We are taking new enrolments for 2024. Club training fees are as follows, Kids Karate £6.00 & Adults Karate £8.00, pay as you train basis, simply turn up pay and train, NO MONTHLY STANDING ORDERS

Accredited With

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Martial Arts Standards Agency
MASA is a lead body in the Martial Arts structured as a non profit making company limited by guarantee with no paid employees and no expenses paid to it’s directors. All give their time voluntarily because they believe that standards in the Martial Arts are of vital importance.
MASA website
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All our instructors are CRB checked.
All our instructors are CRB checked.
CRB website
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Kent County Council

Working with Kent County Council
We are working with Kent County Council, for more information please contact us.
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NVQ qualified

All our instructors are all NVQ qualified.

Shizendo Latest News

Keep up to date with club info here

Specialist  Course Sunday 30th June for 2nd and 1st Kyu Brown Belts

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Sticky Hands Training and Its Ineffable Essence

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Wednesday Specialist Courses 2024

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Grading Dates 2024

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