Tai Sabaki

Tai sabaki (äœ“ă•ă°ă) is a term from Japanese martial arts and which relates to ‘whole body movement’, or repositioning. It can be translated as body-management. It is a term used widely in and very important in Kendo, Jujutsu, Aikido, Judo, Karate and Ninjutsu.  Tai sabaki is usually used to avoid an attack, such that the[…]

Titles and Ranking in Karate

Titles and Ranking in Karate Dai-Sempai: dai meaning “big” or great” and often used in the context “big brother of the class” (usually given to a 1st kyu brown belt and junior black belt) Senpai/Sempai: means “mentor” or “senior” often used to indicate an assistant instructor (usually 1st and 2nd dan) Sensei: means “one who[…]

Go Shin Jutsu

Go Shin Jutsu is commonly translated as “Self-Defence Technique” (or sometimes Self-Defence Art). Looking at the kanji which make up this term, the translation seems straightforward–“Go” (è­·) is usually translated as “defence” or “protect”, “Shin” (èș«) is translated as “body” or “one’s self”, and “Jutsu” (èĄ“) is usually “technique” or “art” (more details regarding jutsu[…]

30th June Gradings 2019

Gradings on the 30th june 2019, Simply one thing to say about the grading this morning at Tonbridge Leisure centre, Amazing. Every child gave their best performance in spite of the heat and kept the standard of the art at a very good level. These children never stop to amaze me as their determination to[…]