Weapons Course 2nd June

Please arrive before 10am and register your name and preferred weapon of choice with the instructors. We have a number of spare weapons available to use on the course or alternatively please use your own; you can also purchase weapons after the course if you wish to do so. Please note, Tai Chi sword for[…]

What is Tuite?

What is Tuite? Most of us equate karate with the hard blocks and strikes that have made the style famous (was it very fashionable to break boards and bricks before karate came along? I don’t know, but I doubt it). Unfortunately, this preoccupation with percussive power has left some of the lesser known but equally[…]

Force = Mass x Acceleration

Force = Mass x Acceleration The first thing you should know is this: No matter how much you practice, you can’t defy the laws of physics, but an understanding of basis body physics and body alignment coupled with correct mind-set will greatly help you. F= m x a  is Newton’s second law of Force equals mass times acceleration.  […]

Shizendo Weapons Course

The Shizendo Weapons course is this coming Sunday 3rd February. Please arrive before 10am and register your name and preferred weapon of choice with the instructors. We have a number of spare weapons available to use on the course or alternatively please use your own; you can also purchase weapons after the course if you[…]

Dojo Etiquette

Dojo Etiquette Please try to obey this! AT ALL TIMES…..! Bow on entering and leaving the dojo: – Why? – To those who practice Karate this is a special place. A student must bow on entering the Dojo to affirm the intention to train hard and seriously, and also bow on leaving to show gratitude[…]

Mabuni Kenwa’s comments:

Mabuni Kenwa’s comments: Rakka (dropping flower) intercepting an attack by dropping down onto it with such force, that if it was a tree being struck all the leaves or flowers would fall from it’s branches. Ryu shui (running water) the ability to respond to changing conditions with circular movement. In the same way that flowing[…]

Jacks words MMA fight cancer night

Totally agree with Jacks words What an amazing night! I stepped into a cage for the first time in an amateur MMA fight! It was all for cancer research and I managed to raise more than I thought I would, so thank you to all those who donated! I want to say an absolutely massive[…]