Q How old does my child need to be
A Children can start from five up and they will study the child syllabus as set out for all Shizendo Students
Q What is Shizendo?
A Shizendo is the name of the association all students train under and grade under this system, for further information please visit the Shizendo website
Q What does my child need to start Karate?
A Your child can come along for a free taster session to begin with. Please ensure your child wears lose comfortable fitting clothes and either trains bare foot or wearing light weight indoor training shoes only
If after several session you and your child are ready to commit to the association and before your child is able to grade, you will need to purchase the white Gi (outfit) worn by students with the club badges attached. You will also need to purchase a license which is renewable each year.
Q How much is it to train and how do I pay?
A Classes are £4.50 per class and you are asked to pay cash each lesson. We do not charge students if they do not attend but if a student fails to keep up regular training for an extended period of time they may be asked by their chief instructor to wear a white belt until they have regained their belts required skill level.
Q My child has special needs. Will they be able to participate?
A All children are welcome to class. Our instructors are experienced coaches who work very hard to work with and develop each and every child to the best of their ability. Please contact us to discuss fully your child’s needs and for further information please read the special needs document on the Shizendo website for further information (link)
Q When will my child Grade?
A Your club instructor will carry out assessments during class. These assessments are informal and you and your child will be given information when your child is ready. Please be patient as we do not put children on a grading until they are ready. Each child is an individual and great care will be taken so as to encourage and develop your Childs skill. The discipline of all Martial arts will not allow for short cuts or haste and as your child progresses through the grades their syllabus will become more demanding and complex. For this reason grading’s tend to become less frequent their higher the students attainment levels reach.
Once a student is selected for grading a form will be sent home to parents with the venue, date and cost. Parents will be required to return the form with payment by an allotted deadline. If students do not have a current license they will not be permitted to grade
Q Does my child really need a license?
A Yes. This is a legal requirement. Students not traing with current licence make them ineligible to grade and instructors cannot cover them under their insurance.
The first lesson is free as a taster session