What is SAFE, translated means Self, Aware, Fend and Escape

What is SAFE, translated means Self, Aware, Fend and Escape, or could read Self, Action, Fight and Escape, depending on the situation you could find yourself in.

Self, Aware, Fend, and Escape:

  • Self: Prioritize and protect oneself.
  • Aware: Stay vigilant and aware of the surroundings.
  • Fend: Use defensive techniques to fend off an attacker or threat.
  • Escape: Aim to safely escape from the situation.

SAFE is a five week training programme designed to take a person through the four approaches of self-defence. Each weekly training session is accumulative with the skills learnt added to the following training session thus developing a broad but simple effective system of self -defence.

Self-defence has to be simple to work, complexes multi-dimensional moves are far too difficult to execute and would require regular training to remember them, and almost impossible for an untrained person to perform. The SAFE programme is a no fuss approach to learning. From the very first training session you will be taught basic techniques, strikes and parries coupled with footwork and correct distancing. Also during each training session time is given to group discussions, enabling you to fully understand how each technique is used and more importantly when how.

The hands-on approach in the SAFE training program, coupled with the use of training equipment, is a valuable method for developing practical skills, power, self-awareness, and confidence. Here are some key benefits of this approach:

  1. Realistic Simulation: Training equipment allows participants to simulate real-life scenarios in a controlled environment. This hands-on experience provides a more realistic and practical understanding of self-defence techniques.
  2. Muscle Memory: Engaging in hands-on training with equipment helps develop muscle memory. Repetition of movements with tactile feedback reinforces the neuromuscular connections, making it more likely for individuals to recall and apply these movements under stress.
  3. Power Development: Training equipment enables individuals to practice delivering strikes with the appropriate force. This contributes to the development of power and precision, enhancing the effectiveness of self-defence techniques.
  4. Self-Awareness: Through hands-on training, participants gain a better understanding of their own physical capabilities and limitations. This increased self-awareness is essential for making informed decisions during confrontations.
  5. Confidence Building: Successfully executing techniques with training equipment boosts confidence. Confidence is a critical component of self-defence, influencing how individuals carry themselves and respond to potential threats.
  6. Dynamic Engagement: The use of equipment allows for dynamic and interactive training scenarios. This dynamic engagement helps participants adapt to different situations, including variations in distance, angles, and intensity.
  7. Safe Learning Environment: While the goal is to simulate real-life situations, training equipment provides a safer learning environment compared to practicing techniques directly on a partner. This reduces the risk of injury during the learning process.
  8. Scenario-Based Training: Incorporating training equipment supports scenario-based training, where participants can apply their skills in specific contexts. This approach enhances the transferability of skills from the training environment to real-world situations.

The SAFE training course is designed to benefit a wide range of individuals across different age groups and backgrounds. Here’s a breakdown of who could benefit from the SAFE training course:

  1. Children:
    • Children can benefit from SAFE training to develop basic self-defence skills and increase their awareness of personal safety.
    • The program provides age-appropriate techniques and strategies for dealing with potential threats or dangerous situations.
  2. Teens and Adolescents:
    • Teens and adolescents can enhance their self-defence capabilities and learn practical skills for staying safe in various environments.
    • The program may address issues relevant to this age group, such as bullying, peer pressure, and personal safety outside the home.
  3. Adults:
    • Adults, including those with no martial arts background, can gain valuable self-defence skills that are easy to learn and apply.
    • The program caters to individuals of all fitness levels and abilities, providing a practical approach to personal safety.
  4. Novices:
    • Individuals with little or no experience in self-defence or martial arts can benefit from the simplicity and effectiveness of the SAFE training course.
    • Novices can quickly grasp fundamental techniques without the need for extensive training.
  5. Martial Arts Students:
    • Even individuals with a background in martial arts can find value in the SAFE program. It may provide a different perspective and focus on practical, real-world self-defence applications.
  6. Individuals Seeking Confidence:
    • The SAFE course can boost confidence by imparting practical skills for personal safety. Knowing how to respond in challenging situations enhances overall confidence.
  7. Everyone Interested in Self-Defence:
    • The program is inclusive and suitable for anyone interested in self-defence. It addresses the diverse needs of individuals seeking to enhance their safety and well-being.
  8. Community Groups and Organizations:
    • SAFE training can be valuable for community groups, organizations, and institutions interested in providing members with practical self-defence skills.

By catering to a broad audience, the SAFE training course aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to protect themselves in various situations. Its simplicity, effectiveness, and applicability make it accessible and beneficial for a diverse range of participants.

The childā€™s programme which also includes anti Bullying, is designed to work in a situation that a child may find them likely to be caught up in. It will also give armed response techniques that a child will understand and can easily use. Itā€™s important that children stay safe and any techniques taught have to be safely used.

By incorporating adaptability, scenario exploration, and student-led discussions, the SAFE Adults training program seeks to equip individuals with practical and effective self-defence skills that are applicable in a variety of situations. The emphasis on adaptability ensures that participants can confidently respond to the unpredictability of real-world threats.

The SAFE program offers invaluable information and training for individuals who find themselves in situations where they need to respond to acts of aggression. Overall, the SAFE program goes beyond self-defence by contributing to the holistic well-being of participants, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional aspects of personal safety and preparedness.

For further information on holding a course or attending class, please contact
Steve on 07999346050
